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Community Workshops

In order to ensure that the benefits of bioremediation spread to communities across Hawaiʻi, we offer community workshops that are tailored to each community we serve. 

Our workshops are designed to get the community involved in the discussion on the areas in Hawaiʻi heavily affected by pollution and how bioremediation could help in each area. For many community members, this is their first time hearing about bioremediation. For this reason, the workshop will also come with an introduction to the field of bioremediation, along with a more in depth cultural understanding of each area discussed. 


Workshop participants will walk away with an understanding of how pollution affects the pae ʻāina of Hawaiʻi, how bioremediation could be a helpful remedy, and how to approach the topic of bioremediation from an indigenous perspective. Participants may also walk away with a sample testimony for the areas discussed, which they will write themselves as a final product of the workshop. 

Passing on the Knowledge: Our Community Workshops

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