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Mio Kamioka



Mio is an outspoken Indigenous Melanesian woman, human rights and environmental justice advocate, and environmental scientist of mixed Japanese and Papua New Guinean heritage.


Mio's Background

Mio has a strong interdisciplinary background in both science and social sciences, recognizing the significance and the necessary interconnectedness of both fields. She holds a B.S. in Environmental Science with a minor in Peace and Justice Studies from Xavier University and is nearing the completion of her Master of Science degree in the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science program at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo. 


Mio is passionate about the Earth's most precious gift, water. As a steward of water and a trained aquatic ecologist, Mio seeks to address the issues that pertain to water pollution, both freshwater and marine.


Mio is also passionate about changing the narrative about what it means to be “developed”. Growing up in Papua New Guinea (PNG), she witnessed rapid changes and destruction of her country’s rich natural environment under the guise of development. The cultures of Papua New Guinea are intricately connected to, shaped by, and draw inspiration from the natural environment. Consequently, the destruction of the environment poses a significant threat to both the people and their cultural heritage. Proud of her Papua New Guinean roots, Mio draws inspiration and motivation from her love for her country and its people. Mio's future aspirations include returning to PNG to contribute to and serve her community.

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